Monday, December 13, 2004

Gentoo 官方论坛中文版面:)

经过大家努力, gentoo 官方论坛终于有了中文版面, 欢迎全世界的所有 gentoo 中文用户前来分享 gentoo 的快乐!

>> 点我 <<

Wednesday, December 08, 2004


Still working on my bleeding edge gentoo system installation :)
Some new posts in Running/Tech Stuff/Writing.

I'm going to have the fastest gentoo~ will be back and write more things soon :)

Saturday, December 04, 2004

10,000m In 65 Minutes!

Yeah, I'm strong, I'm the king of running ;-D

Please read the complete post in "Running" .

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Friday, November 26, 2004

Please come back later :)

I'm currently busy in working on a project, no spare time to write anything. There will be a major update of this blog on Dec 1, please come back then :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Thursday, November 11, 2004

孙子兵法 - 九变篇第八

孙子曰: 凡用兵之法, 将受命于君, 合军聚众, 圮 (pi 3) 地无舍, 衢 (qu) 地交和, 绝地勿留, 围地则谋, 死地则战.

途有所不由, 军有所不击, 城有所不攻, 地有所不争, 君命有所不受.

故将通于九变之利者, 知用兵之矣; 将不通于九变之利, 虽知地形, 不能得地之利矣;
治兵不知九变之术, 虽知地利, 不能得人只用矣.

是故智者之虑, 必杂于利害. 杂于利, 而务可信也; 杂于害, 而患可解也.

是故屈诸侯者以害, 役诸侯者以业, 趋诸侯者以利.

故用兵之法, 无恃其不来, 而恃吾有以待也; 无恃其不攻, 而恃吾有所不可攻也.

(最喜欢这一句! 和虚实篇第六中的 "无所不备则无所不寡", "寡者, 备人者也; 众者, 使人备己者也" 都符合我的处世原则 - 使人备己且有所备: 使人备己则让自己始终处于主动的, 强势的, 居高临下的地位; 有所备而非无所不备, 则让自己遇事临阵不乱, 从容处之)

故将有五危: 必死, 可杀也; 必生, 可虏也; 忿速, 可侮也; 廉洁, 可辱也; 爱民, 可烦也.
凡此五者, 将之过也, 用兵之灾也. 覆军杀将, 必以五危, 不可不察也.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

孙子兵法 - 军争篇第七

孙子曰: 凡用兵之法, 将受命于君, 合军聚众, 交合而舍, 莫难于军争.
军争之难者, 以迂为直, 以患为利. 故迂其途, 而诱之以利, 后人发, 先人至, 此知迂直之计也.

故军争为利, 军争为危. 举军而争利, 则不及; 委军而争利, 则辎 (zi) 重捐.
是故卷甲而趋, 日夜不处, 倍道兼行, 百里而争利, 则擒三将军, 劲者先, 疲者后, 其法十一而至;
五十里而争利, 则蹶 (jue) 上将军, 其法半至;
三十里而争利, 则三分之二至.
是故军无辎重则亡, 无粮食则亡, 无委积则亡.

故不知诸侯之谋者, 不能豫交; 不知山林, 险阻, 沮泽之形者, 不能行军, 不用乡导者, 不能得地利.

故兵以诈立, 以利动, 以分和为变者也.

故其疾如风, 其徐如林, 侵略如火, 不动如山, 难知如阴, 动如雷震.

掠乡分众, 廓地分守, 悬权而动.

先知迂直之计者胜, 此军争之法也.

军政曰: 言不相闻, 故为金鼓; 视而不见, 故为旌旗.
夫金鼓旌旗者, 所以一人之耳目也; 人既专一, 则勇者不得独进, 怯者不得独退, 此用众之法也.
故夜战多火鼓, 昼战多旌旗, 所以变人之耳目也.

故三军可夺气, 将军可夺心. 是故朝气锐, 昼气钝, 暮气归.
故善用兵者, 避其锐气, 击其惰归, 此治气者也.
以治待乱, 以静待哗, 此治心者也.
以近待远, 以佚待劳, 以饱待饥, 此治力者也.
无邀正正之旗, 无击堂堂之阵, 此治变者也.

故用兵之法, 高陵勿向, 背丘勿逆, 佯北勿从, 锐卒勿攻, 饵兵勿食,
归师勿遏, 围师遗阙, 穷寇勿迫, 此用兵之法也.

(围师遗阙: 够狠, 如果把 "师" 给围死了, 有可能让他们聚集力量, 背水一战; 然而如果给他们
留个 "阙", 让对方可以产生 "逃兵", 这从心理上等于让被围之 "师" 有个 "泄气" 的渠道, 这
就能把对方越围越弱, 最后吞并之!)

Monday, November 08, 2004

Run! Run! Run! Run as long as you can!

What a great day, I ran 400m * 20 = 8,000m this afternoon!
Final goal: 10,000m!!

Is there anyone reading this?? Tell me how long you can run ;-p

孙子兵法 - 虚实篇第六

孙子曰: 凡先处战地而待敌者佚, 后处战地而趋战者劳.
故善战者, 致人而不致于人.

能使敌自至者, 利之也; 能使敌不得至者, 害之也.
故敌佚而能劳之, 饱能饥之, 安能动之.

出其所不趋, 趋其所不意.
行千里而不劳者, 行于无人之地也;
攻而必取也, 攻其所不守也;
守而必固者, 守其所不攻也.

故善战者, 敌不知其所守; 善守者, 敌不知其所攻.

微乎微乎, 至于无形;
神乎神乎, 至于无声;

进而不可御者, 冲其虚也;
退而不可追者, 速而不可及也.

故我欲战, 敌虽高垒深沟, 不得不与我战者, 攻其所必救也;
我不欲战, 而虽画地而守之, 敌不得与我战者, 乖其所之也.

故形人而我无形, 则我专而敌分.
我专为一, 敌分为十, 是以十攻其一也, 则我众而敌寡.
能以众击寡者, 则吾所与战者, 约矣.
吾所与战之地不可知, 不可知, 则敌所备者多, 敌所备者多, 则吾所战者, 寡矣.

故备前则后寡, 备后则前寡, 故备左则右寡, 备右则左寡, 无所不备则无所不寡.
寡者, 备人者也; 众者, 使人备己者也.

故知战之地, 知战之日, 则可千里而会战;
不知战之地, 不知战之日, 则左不能救右, 右不能救左, 前不能救后, 后不能救前,
而况远者数十里, 近者数里乎?

以吾度之, 越人之兵虽多, 奕奚益于胜败哉?!

故曰: 胜可为也. 敌虽众, 可使无斗.

(形篇第四中说: "孙子曰: 昔之善战者, 先为不可胜, 以侍敌之可胜.
不可胜在己, 可胜在敌. 故善战者, 能为不可胜, 不能使敌之必可胜.
故曰: 胜可知, 而不可为."...)

故策之而知得失之计, 作之而知动静之理, 形之而知死生之地, 角之而知有余不足之处.

故形兵之极, 至于无形; 无形, 则深间不能窥, 智者不能谋.

因形而错胜于众, 众不能知; 人皆知我所以胜之形, 而莫知我所以制胜之形.
故其战胜不复, 而应形于无穷.

夫兵形象水, 水之形避高而趋下, 兵之形, 避实而击虚, 水因地而制流, 兵应敌而制胜.
故兵无常势, 水无常形, 能因敌变化而取胜者, 谓之神.

故五行无常胜, 四时无常位, 日有短长, 月有死生.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

孙子兵法 - 势篇第五

孙子曰: 凡治众如治寡, 分数是也; 斗众如斗寡, 形名是也;
三军之众, 可使必受敌而无败, 奇正也;
兵之所加, 如以碫 (duan) 投卵者, 虚实是也.

凡战者, 以正合, 以奇胜.
故善出奇者, 无穷如天地, 不竭如江河.
终而复始, 日月是也; 死而复生, 四时是也.
声不过五, 五声之变, 不可胜听也;
色不过五, 五色之变, 不可胜观也;
味不过五, 五味之变, 不可胜尝也.
战势不过奇正, 奇正之变, 不可胜穷之也.
奇正相生, 如环之无端, 孰能穷之?

激水之疾, 至于漂石者, 势也;
鷙 (zhi) 鸟之疾, 至于毁折者, 节也.
是故善战者, 其势险, 其节短. 势如张弩, 节如发机.

纷纷纭纭, 斗乱而不可乱也; 浑浑沌沌, 形圆而不可败也.

乱生于治, 怯生于勇, 弱生于强.
治乱, 数也; 勇怯, 势也; 强弱, 形也.

故善动敌者, 形之, 敌必从之; 予之, 敌必取之. 以利动之, 以卒动之.

故善战者, 求之于势, 不责于人, 故能择人而任势.
任势者, 其战也, 如转木石. 木石之性, 安则静, 危则动, 方则止, 圆则行.
故善战人势, 如转圆石于千仞之山者也, 势也.

Saturday, November 06, 2004


For some reason, you would like to have a random mac address whenever you startup your gentoo box?

Here is a quick howto:

1. emerge macchanger
2. edit /etc/conf.d/net and add the following line:
That will give you a fully random mac address!
3. reboot & enjoy! haha

For more infomation about /etc/conf.d/net & how to setup various kind of random mac address with the macchanger, please read the file /etc/conf.d/net.example

Really a bad day...

Since Jun, 6th, 2004, me and my girlfriend have been together for five months, however, it seems that we tend to have some problem with each other at this date of every month...

I just want to live a peaceful life with someone I love, as peaceful as possible...

孙子兵法 - 形篇第四

孙子曰: 昔之善战者, 先为不可胜, 以侍敌之可胜.
不可胜在己, 可胜在敌. 故善战者, 能为不可胜, 不能使敌之必可胜.
故曰: 胜可知, 而不可为.
不可胜者, 守也; 可胜者, 攻也.
守则不足, 攻则有余.
善守者, 藏于九地之下; 善攻者, 动于九天之上.

(善战者首先能让自己立于不败之地, 而后侍敌之可胜. 先能自保, 而后全胜)

见胜不过众人之所知, 非善之善者也; 战胜而天下曰善, 非善之善者也.
故举秋毫不为多力, 见日月不为明目, 闻雷霆不为聪耳.
古之所谓善战者, 胜于易胜者也.
故善战之胜也, 无智名, 无勇功.
故其战胜不忒. 不忒者, 其所措必胜, 胜已败者也.
故善战者, 立于不败之地, 而不失敌之败也.
是故胜兵先胜而后求战, 败兵先战而后求胜.
善用兵者, 修道而保法, 故能为胜败之政.

(真正打得漂亮的胜战反而是不为人知的: 因为这些战都是 "胜已败者". 铁板钉钉的胜负, 于是 "众人" 也就不以为意了. 但这铁板钉钉的胜负正是漂亮之所在)

兵法: 一曰度, 二曰量, 三曰数, 四曰称, 五曰胜.
地生度, 度生量, 量生数, 数生称, 称生胜.

故胜兵若以镒称铢, 败兵若以铢称镒.

胜者之战民也, 若决积水于千仞之谷者, 形也.

(胜者成决堤之水, 不可阻挡之形)

孙子兵法 - 谋攻篇第三

孙子曰: 凡用兵之法,
全国为上, 破国次之;
全军为上, 破军次之;
全旅为上, 破旅次之;
全卒为上, 破卒次之;
全伍为上, 破伍次之.
是故百战百胜, 非善之善者也;
不战而屈人之兵, 善之善者也.

故上兵伐谋, 其次伐交, 其次伐兵, 其下攻城. 攻城之法为不得已.
修橹轒 (fen) 轀 (wen), 具器械, 三月而后成, 距闉 (?), 又三月而后已.
将不胜其忿, 而蚁附之, 杀士三分之一, 而城不拔者, 此攻之灾也.
故善用兵者, 屈人之兵而非战也.

拔人之城而非攻也, 破人之国而非久也, 必以全争于天下,
故兵不顿, 而利可全, 此谋攻之法也.

(以全争于天下, 不战而屈人之兵)

故用兵之法, 十则围之, 五则攻之, 倍则分之,
敌则能战之, 少则能逃之,不若则能避之.
故小敌之坚, 大敌之擒也.

(灵活用兵, 始终让自己处于优势或至少不处于劣势)

夫将者, 国之辅也. 辅周则国必强, 辅隙则国必弱.

不知军之不可进而谓之进, 不知军之不可退而谓之退, 是为縻 (mi) 军;
不知三军之事, 而同三军之政者, 则军士惑矣;
不知三军之权, 而同三军之任, 则军士疑矣.
三军既惑且疑, 则诸侯之难至矣, 是谓乱军引胜.

(军中大忌者二: 1. 不知进退; 2. 用人不善 (让不知政者为政, 让不懂权者掌权))

知可以战与不可以战者胜, (进退)
识众寡之用者胜, (众寡)
上下同欲者胜, (军心)
以虞待不虞者胜, (气度)
将能而君不御者胜. (用人)

此五者, 知胜之道也.

故曰: 知己知彼, 百战不殆;
不知彼而知己, 一胜一负;
不知彼不知己, 每战必殆.


"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."

Friday, November 05, 2004

Alright, they've blocked everything!

It seems that I can't use any kind of proxies, whenever you changed to another proxy because the previous one was blocked, several seconds later, it got blocked too. I was just trying to read this topic (Gentoo Desktop for November 2004) in Gentoo Forums, was there anything sensitive?? Damn!

I bet it's the "Jin Dun (Golden Shield) Project" working, excellent work folks, excellent!

It's really fun to live in a place like this.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

My Very 1st Gimp Artwork!

My Very 1st Gimp Artwork!
Originally uploaded by Cure.

I used to thought that GIMP didn't have the bezier tool, that's why I've been missing Macromedia's Fireworks (Which doesn't have linux version. I'm running a gentoo linux only box.)

One of my friends asked me to design a logo for his relative's fireworks (!) company. Then I drew the logo on a piece of paper. For several days, I didn't know how could I possibly give this draft to my friend...

Yesterday evening, I just opened the gimp's official website and clicked the link to some tutorials - WoW! There're TWO tutorials ("Paths (Bezier Selection)", "Drawing Shapes with Bezier") about bezier tool!

I fired up the gentoo emerge tool, downloaded, compiled, installed gimp and started my very first night with it :p

Then, I spent my whole night, following this tutorial, and did this~ I sent it to my girlfriend, and, she KISSED me back (via QQ...) and said she really loved it, hehe...

Hooray! I can draw pictures again! Kiss gimp!


originally uploaded by Cure.
last one ~


originally uploaded by Cure.


originally uploaded by Cure.
hehe, here comes all the halloween stuff..

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Say hi to internet censorship!

Fine, the the gmail has been blocked again, whatever which proxy server I tried to use to connect to gmail, the firefox pops up a dialog and tells me that "The document contains no data" - Bingo! Filtered!

This happens from time to time. Before I went to sleep this afternoon, it was OK. Yes, it's been OK for several days (the first time I found out gmail being blocked was the first time I tried to login my new account...)

And, the's edit page (to modify your post) has been blocked too. Whenever I try to edit my post - "The document contains no data".

What happened to your heads, my government officers? Does gmail do anything bad to you? No p0rn, no p0litical content... anything that makes you awake late at night?

OK, let it be, at least I could (?) post this one, could I? Let's see....

Template Modified..

Feels much better now, hehe


NK Gmail Invite Vampire - A small tool which automatically retrieves gmail invites for you :)

This is the second revision update since the 1.0 release, now it has better error handling, enjoy:)

click me to download 1.2 (MD5)


1. The Vampire is Running...
2. Got IT!

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Methodology of reading 'The Art of War'...

Currently, I'm reading the English version of 'The Art of War (by Sun Tzu)' to help myself understand the original ancient Chinese version (SunZi BingFa) better, hah!

Monday, November 01, 2004

孙子兵法 - 作战篇第二

孙子曰: 凡用兵之法, 驰车千驷, 革车千乘, 带甲十万, 千里馈粮,
则内外之费, 宾客之用, 胶漆之材, 车甲之奉, 日费千金, 然后十万之师举矣.

其用战也贵胜, 久则钝兵挫锐, 攻城则力屈, 久暴师则国用不足.

夫钝兵挫锐, 屈力殚货, 则诸侯乘其弊而起, 虽有智者, 不能善其后矣.
故兵闻拙速, 未睹巧之久也. 夫兵久而国利者, 未之有也.
故不尽知用兵之害者, 则不能尽知用兵之利也.

兵贵速战速胜, 以制敌, 以定诸侯. 战则百姓苦, 知用兵之弊方知用兵之利,
故不战则矣, 战则务求一平天下.

善用兵者, 役不再籍, 粮不三载;
取用于国, 因粮于敌, 故军食可足也.

国之贫于师者远输, 远则百姓贫.
近师者贵卖, 贵卖则百姓竭, 财竭则急于丘役. (通货膨胀??)
力屈, 财殚, 中原内虚于家.
百姓之费, 十去其七; 公家之费, 破军罢马, 甲胄矢弩, 戟盾蔽橹, 丘牛大车, 十去其六.

食敌一钟, 当吾二十钟;
箕杆一石, 当吾二十石.

故杀敌者, 怒也; 取敌之利者, 货也. 故车战, 得车十乘以上, 赏其先得者,
而更其旌旗, 车杂而乘之, 卒善而养之, 是谓胜敌而益强.

"务食于敌" 的好处:
  1. 充实我方
  2. 奖励下属的好来源
  3. 更重要的是由此带来的士气激励.

故兵贵胜, 不贵久.
故值兵之将, 民之司命, 国家安危之主也.

Life is a process of preparation...

Life is process of preparation, prepare for unexpectedness,
so when anything happens, we could handle them peacefully.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

孙子兵法 - 计篇第一

孙子曰: 兵者, 国家大事, 死生之地, 存亡之道, 不可不察也.
故经之以五, 校之以计, 而索其情:

一曰道, 二曰天, 三曰地, 四曰将, 五曰法.

道者, 令民于上同意者也, 可与之死, 可与之生, 民不诡也;
天者, 阴阳, 寒暑, 时制也;
地者, 高下, 远近, 险易, 广狭, 死生也;
将者, 智, 信, 仁, 勇, 严也;
法者, 曲制, 官道, 主用也.

凡此五者, 将莫不闻, 知之者胜, 不知之者不胜.
故校之以计, 而索其情.

曰: 主孰有道? 将孰有能? 天地孰得? 法令孰行? 兵众孰强? 士卒孰练? 赏罚孰明?

将听吾计, 用之必胜, 留之;
将不听吾计, 用之必败, 去之.

计利以听, 乃为之势, 以佐其外. 势者, 因利而制权也.

兵者, 诡道也. 故能以示之不能, 用以示之不用, 近而示之远, 远而示之近.

利而诱之, 乱而取之, 实而备之, 强而避之, 怒而扰之,
卑而骄之, 佚而劳之, 亲而离之, 攻其不备, 出其不意.

此兵家之胜, 不可先传也.

夫未战而庙算胜者, 得算多也;
未战而庙算不胜者, 得算少也.

多算胜, 少算不胜, 而况无算乎! 吾以此观之, 胜负见矣.

About something

苦难是常态, 幸福是意外. 所以请珍惜幸福.
Adversity is normality, happiness is fortuity, so, please treasure your happiness.


originally uploaded by Cure.
My girlfriend and what she had created! haha

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Still Testing...

Alright, I've switched to this templete for simpler looking. Don't have much time lately, busy working at a kinda "secret" project, hehe...

I've decided to write this blog every night (well, China/Chongqing timezone...), let's see if I could keep it, hoho

My girlfriend said she went to an american friend's home and had a happy
halloween night. She took some pictures of what she had "created" tonight, now she's sending to me... I would post them up once I've seen them and have spare time~

Today is a not-so-small day: I've finished reading the iptable tutorials & the Confucius' Lun Yu!

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Hehe, my first blog :)

Fine, I finally get out of the stone-age and now, here I am, my first blog is available online! Hooray!

test chinese: 中文:)