- A good product should be simple, useful, responsive... so does a team lead.
- Sometimes what you need to do is pat on team's back and remove the uncertainty: go, you are doing it right!
- 所有的力量都沉寂着, 它们并非害怕, 并未妥协, 只在激流暗涌地点滴聚集, 静候重新破土, 摧枯拉朽.
- Gain the trust from users, prove that it's worth their money & time to grow with you.
- 一些日本人敬拜弄死中国人的战犯,我们不理解;海量的咱敬拜弄死中国人的耄,谁、又是怎么理解的呢?-因为能活到今天的都是拜他所赐吧!
- If you find it challenging to work with everyone, better find out if you are the challenging one to work with.
- 想登上远方那座高峰吗?那就先爬过这些小山坡吧!
- 落后不可怕,可怕的是把落后当先进,还说是特色。
- Trust cannot be pretended, every small detail you speak & act will be leaking the truth.
- Stubbornly arguing your 100% right increases no productivity. U need to let go certain things, including mistakes as team's growing price.
- There are always compromises, your job is to gently/smartly/patiently "guide/route" them back to the ultimate goal.
- As a lead, you need to be easy to work with, you understand how to drive/assist diff ppl to output her/his most.
- Different units: kid's success is measured by minute, adult's by year, dead's by history.
- 审视一段关系的时候, 应该问: 我有什么你离不开的? 你又有什么我离不开的? 爱是具体而微的, 不是空口大话的. 如果没啥你离不开说得出的点滴细节, 那真不是什么 "真爱".
- 操持臣身先士卒,方略文韬仕良主。滨海岂容麻雀飞,兴邦高墙立千古。
- 没洁癖别当程序员撒.
- 大国崛起的底气:我们有十三亿随时准备着砸国产日系车、奉拉登为英雄以抗日反美的愚民大军——尊重我们点哦,支持特色的路线哦!不然咱真理部一发飙,就把滔天的口水导向你丫的!!
- Kid, this wall is already full of cracks, let's keep scratching, day by day, until it collapses. 孩子, 这墙已满是裂缝, 让我们继续, 一天一点, 把它抠倒.
- 长大就是习惯分离,习惯一通电话过去就是几个星期⋯⋯直到有天习惯一种名叫永远的、再也说不上话的分离。
- Is life a process of getting used to imperfects?
- Only by trial and error, can you find the sweet spot, or be confident to confirm its nonexistence. #startup
- 千面中国,只有你一张最有脸的表情;黄土盈尺,找不到一个念得出的名字。
- 贵府一直以身作则地上演着和尚打伞、大管小、公踩私、强凌弱的样板戏,成功引导塑造了今时今日的社会生态:弱的想逞强、私的想近公、小的想变大⋯⋯一律的不择手段、泯灭人性,为的就是在被赵太爷、王胡、假洋鬼子修理过后,能调戏一把小尼姑——天朝崛起,喜剧热映,全球观众敬请开怀大笑并适时哭泣。
- 会搜索的小鸟有虫吃.
- UI assists parameters' collection (for computer to take action w/ them). #design
- 懒人多怨言, 想吃那碗饭又吃不得吃到那碗饭的苦, 只好怨怨天尤尤人解解馋.
- 内斗内斗再内斗…一朝猛醒,发现所有自由地区的黄皮肤都已畅行在现代化的正轨上,紧着多快好省、不怕牺牲之精神,迅速弄潮、吹起那张圆润饱满、丰盈慈祥的面子,便安然回到大国崛起的甜美梦乡,继续对掐对掐再对掐。
- When you are brave, things are no longer as scary as you thought; those who wanted to scare you away, will be scared away by your braveness.
- 当你勇敢,将发现一切并无想像中可怕;而那些试图以恐惧让你退缩的人,将因你的勇敢而恐惧退缩。
- 路是自己选的, 责任是自己担的.
- 摧毁信仰、消灭思想、破坏文化,离间心与心的信任、增加人和人的猜忌,全盘沙化,确实缔造了各种力量无法集结的一片和谐死寂。但是,我们仍旧相信:“沙不怕风吹,在某天定会凝聚”。
- If you don't know the weight of death, you won't understand the weight of life.
- 国人为何自顾自、对啥都无所谓了呢?因为顾他人、有所谓的那些都被河蟹啦,还是闷声发大财(梦)吧。
There's an end awaits, let's do something memorable before that.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
推特集 (2011/05)
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