- We engineers are darn stubborn problem solvers!
- You will get paid for what you've done - some ppl want that, some ppl don't.
- 北京的夏/依旧地炎热而干燥/路上这许多陌生的面孔/仿佛能和另一个十年继续擦肩//溃烂的会隐隐作痛/掩埋的会渐渐升腾//热浪将不期而至/袭击我们纤弱躯体间的罅隙/燃烧所有可燃的/躁动所有漠然的
- 所有代表权力的符号, 都有凌驾一切规则的许可, 扰民, 犯民, 辱民, 戕民.
- Bye Jack! I've been following you since I'm 22, now I'm almost 30!! #24Finale
- Beat the market means you have been statistically doing better than most of the people most of the time, not once or twice.
- Positive attitude makes bad things not that bad, gives you breath to look at new possibilities.
- Trees are quiet, they grow, they suffer, they die, they just don't speak.
- 遇到靠谱的人不容易, 能和靠谱的人共事不容易, 能和靠谱的人完成点靠谱的事更不容易.
- 难题解得好是聪明, 分数拿得多是策略.
- Trade both side, trade like an emotionless robot.
- 当人与人发生矛盾, 第一反应是联想到权和钱, 关系和人情; 而非理和法, 制度和步骤 - 在这样的社会, 弱势的你会没有怒气怨气, 不感到痛苦压抑?
- You don't have to be the smartest, just be honest to have smart guys be honest with you.
- 最美, 最长, 最强; 最豪华, 最成功, 最和谐… 他们以权和钱构建最多的最, 最有面子的最; 唯独不见最有人性, 最具良知.
- 在一个集体凌驾于个体的国度, 你我都是被统计的对象, 都是小数点后可以被和谐的精确度.
- Observe/analyze/understand/express/influence.
- If you ignore/disrespect someone's past/achievements, how could you know what makes him today and explore his future? #hr
- @ohblog 支持/尊重台湾人为自己的过去/现在/未来做出判断和选择!
There's an end awaits, let's do something memorable before that.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
推特集 (2010/05)
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