- 二十多年前,日本造的乐声(National)电视,让我家用到去年才以旧换新地健康退休;三十多年后,中国制造仍是低端廉价的代名词,山寨伪劣得连国民都不敢消费。这片大陆究竟怎么了?
- 强国断然靠的不是外强中干万年常青的人造树,而是草木竞演四季兴衰的自然林。
- 真不是别人对咱有偏见,而是一以贯之的河蟹洗脑,让我们在全球现代化的版图上站得真是很偏。
- When patterns found, brain can save energy and stay focused. #design
- In PRC, who destruct the most earned the most, who contribute the most suffered the most - holy legacy of the destructive communism?
- 在天朝,对社会破坏最大的赚最多的钱;为公民贡献最多的受最大的苦。你让社会人心如何不自私短视、冷漠逐利?
- 乡下的野蟑螂,体形硕大、油光黑亮,如同帝都的奥迪,一只只在家里的破墙上横行霸道。
- 想让对方爱你一辈子?那就用一辈子的努力让自己增值,证明你值得对方一辈子的投资。别松懈,别偷懒,别让其他价值股、潜力股挤走你占到的仓位。
- Stay one dimension first, carefully introduce new dimension only if it enhances understanding. #design
- When constrains have been properly laid out, creativity generats the artistic tension by following/breaking them. #design
- When find it hard to explain your idea to a none tech designer, could be an early indicator of design failure.
- Every design decision must be backed by at least one reason; every reason picked must be derived from one single idea.
- Apple taught us how great it can be after building a high quality/smart community (users/developers) surrounding a great product line.
- Good music touches feelings, triggers imaginations, and vibrates memories, in a wordless way.
- 晨,一哥从瘙痒夹杂着兴奋难耐的梦中醒来,惊见下铺数禽兽正饕餮其玉足,欲唤乘警。众人阻:哥,行行好,广播说闹盐荒了,这车厢里就您的宝脚儿最带劲儿了,让俺们再补补吧!(激灵间重口味原创,请为地球珍惜鸡蛋)
- Good design should be easily imaginable without using much mental energy.
- 人,有了自由才会活得有自尊,有了自尊才会活得有自信,有了自信才会爱及他人。国人无爱,冷漠势利,病根在此。
- 他们的国家, 他们的政府, 他们的高楼大厦, 他们的飞黄腾达; 他们的媒体, 他们的声音, 他们的盛世和谐, 他们的大国崛起; 他们的代表, 他们的会议, 他们的挥斥方遒, 他们的伟业宏图; 他们的给予, 他们的贡献, 他们的恩泽神州, 他们的功德千秋.
- Let team understand the vision behind the goals, and to achieve that, you need them w/ all your heart, they are the best you are relying on.
- U don't need high IQ 2 be a good lead, what u need R broader understanding of human weaknesses & longer patience to hold strengths together.
- 有敌我、没人性的阶级式爱恨教育,培养出多么可怕的一代:欢呼美国 911,庆祝日本大地震-对生命没有基本的敬畏,对人性缺乏厚重的理解,对普世价值更是一无所知。今天,教育方的你们,成功地维系着爱你所爱恨你所恨的一群;明天,历史若为该群标出新的“敌人”,你们,会对他们的人性抱有幻想吗?
- The importance of a working prototype: someone needs to start boiling the stone and convincing people before the soup can be made.
- Human brain is good at pattern recognition to reduce mental burdens. Good design should incorporate math patterns to exploit this.
- A 哥 in need is 帅哥 indeed.
- Elements presented reveal the clues/grids your design is following.
- Engineers: we build things to change the world.
- Don't pretent to "pro" to "control" others or gain admiration, it will make you look even dumber.
- Beware of the role you are playing, speak the way your role should be speaking to avoid awkwardness.
- 一段关系中,彼此得有些东西是对方想要的,方能持久。
- It's coming, again, we all know it, we just don't say it; they are so scared, by the quietness - they built. It's everywhere, it's nowhere.
- AEIOU: Observe, understand, abstract, envision, invent.
- It takes time for you to be able to ask the right questions.
- How about building your confidence this way: you are growing it till the day you die - by then, you are 100% confident that ready to let go.
- CNN: go beyond borders. CCTV: harmonized beyond borders.
There's an end awaits, let's do something memorable before that.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
推特集 (2011/03)
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