Saturday, June 18, 2011

推特集 (2010/11)

  1. 选举,至少可以淘汰掉不少长相官僚丑陋、凶神恶煞的,对整个队伍是一个重大的形象与面子提升,媒体上露脸时也赏心悦目些。
  2. 赚足了大块的面子, 毁够了细处的人性.
  3. 其实, 脱下制服放开头衔的你们, 也是有血有肉会哭会笑的人哪.
  4. 瓦解民间一切可能的信仰和追求/团结和力量, 保持其一团散沙的状态, 好处不言而喻: 只有在沙漠里, 才能无风时安定和谐一片宁寂; 起风时风舞狂沙卷哪往哪. 绿洲那边纤弱细小但郁郁葱葱的生命们, 只剩对大自然壮丽威仪的感慨惊诧了.
  5. U will have different types/levels of enemies, some're good & smart, some're bad & dumb; build a team to handle, good for good, bad for bad.
  6. viral means not only spreading but also copying/mutating into a phenomenon/trend, until global acceptance, becomes part of cultural language
  7. No matter how hard you pretend, your bad habits are murmuring who you really are; so strive to build good habits from the beginning.

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