推特集 (2009/12 ~ 2009/10)
- 风声鹤唳, 草木皆兵, 闭关锁国, 掩耳摘铃.
- When you lower your head and tone, your ears will hear more.
- It doesn't matter how much you are holding, it matters how long you can keep them and survive.
- Men lie because women are expecting them to - "Am I beautiful?"
- You won't grow if you don't know someone else has been doing way better than you.
- Intensive/regular (automated) testing to ensure the product is iteratively growing in the right direction. #agile
- Key to agile development: intensive communication to explore/clarify/embrace/adapt to "uncertainty".
- Investment is like hypothese, only he who casts will catch.
- They've modernized their income, cars, buildings... except their mind.
- Stock: traders suck $ from each other's future; investors suck $ from company's future; fools get sucked into no future.
- You can't design without deep understanding.
- A good design must have an unified idea to help you make all the design decisions.
- Design delivers message, initiates communication.
- A childish government keeps trying to "maintain" its citizens in childhood.
- Design initiates vibrations between hearts, communicates without language.
- Try to build something small to change the world, a little bit at a time.
- Labeled as the "developing country", doesn't mean that we the people couldn't/shouldn't have the "developed" mindset.
- When no more hopes, faith is the last thing you can keep.
- /accounts/EditServices - "Remove Web History permanently" completely disables Google search results click-tracking redirect URLs.
- Forget about sed/cut, awk fulfills my calculating need: awk '{ SUM += $7 } END { print SUM }' (sum 7th col, works with negative values)
- Replace multiple white spaces with single one (before piped to "cut -d"): sed -e 's/ \{1,\}/ /g'
- There is no good/bad customer, but customer you serve well/badly.
- In your quest for knowledge, while "scaling up" yourself, could u also "scale out" to the others?
- A simple question to "test" if a test case is over simplified: can it be rerun by another QA without further explanation from the author?
- It's a complicated world, u need to understand it before u can reorganize it into something sophisticated.
- max_execution_time IS including download time if file is served via php, e.g., set Drupal's file access to "private" and serve large files.
- Design: behavioral - to solve problems; visceral - to make experience enjoyable; reflective - to enhance communication.
- max_execution_time isn't including max_input_time. A file tks 600s max_in to upload, the script can tk 30s max_exec to do other stuff. #php
- When language is used, the bloody facts have been torn apart and reassembled, your mind starts being manipulated by the assembler.
- Babies sleep anywhere as long as they are feeling safe & secure, or simply tired (of struggling with the world).
- Let's focus on solving smaller/day-to-day things which will eventually change the world as they accumulate.
- Can you imagine how creative it's going to be if these one billion people eventually have the right to think freely?
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