Sunday, July 31, 2011

推特集 (2011/07)

  1. 打理厅堂, 清理厨房, 自己做饭, 自己吃饭. 不亦乐乎.
  2. 喜欢和什么样的人在一起, 就让自己成为什么样的人吧!
  3. 今天, 如果你不知道不在意不悼念, 明天, 你可能就是被不知道不在意不悼念的另一个个数.
  4. We might not be able to change the world, but we can make our surroundings a better place.
  5. 再见, 兲朝, "这节车厢已经没有生命体征了".
  6. 幸福和快乐是迁就不来的。
  7. 女的找男的要安全感, 男的找谁要?
  8. Raw SQL is the simplest way to go when ORM complicates things. #dev
  9. 从今天起,恳请所有网络评论员发帖时能比平日慢一些,所有论坛管理员删文时能比往常多等会。和每个普通人一样,你们承担不起丢掉工作的压力,但举手之劳就可以托起片刻的人性与温暖,让一些弱小的思想和光辉有机会照进更多贫瘠的心灵。
  10. 我隐隐有种不祥的预感:这些年在房地产、公共设施方面为维持 GDP 跨越式发展催生出来的高楼大厦、公路桥梁……等等短视黑心、偷工减料的“百年大业”,都开始进入短命早夭无以为继的集体坍塌期——我们中的谁、谁的亲朋好友,会成为下一批被统计的“伤亡人数”,并有幸在镜头前零涕政府的救助?
  11. 民主绝不可能神奇般地带来 100% 满意. 她只提供一种机制/一种程序让不同的利益群体能在合法合理的框架内得到充分的表达/比较/争辩/博弈... 并彼此尊重一个最后让各方尽可能满意的结果, 而非少数人 "代表" 出来的和谐和气的 100% 满意.
  12. 万万不要低估被你或无心或有意冒犯的一个客户的影响力. 在未来的日子里, 她/他对你的负面评价可能会像病毒般在她/他的亲友圈里口口相传没完没了地量级式扩散, 直到有天你无可挽回地发现自己苦心经营的一切竟如此容易地毁于一旦. 所以: 善待你的客户, 为了你的事业.
  13. 唐僧定要有 "你会回来和我一起唱这首歌" 的气度, 远见与耐心.
  14. You win a loyal customer, you win a best sales.
  15. If it can be made better, let's make it better. #attitude
  16. 大陆到今天想简单粗暴地统一台湾已经不可能了,因台湾已是相当精细成熟的现代化民主社会,人人都拿着选票掌控着当权的政客,别妄想通过某个“亲大陆”的官员,无视民意、一蹴而就地就完成“统一大业”,自由世界里的人民眼睛雪亮亮的。只待大陆政客某天猛醒,勇敢拥抱现代化体制,才有希望。
  17. Execution bridges dream and reality.
  18. 国无国格, 人无人格, 一个 "合格", 合的介尼玛是谁的神马格? //有感于某塌桥曾检验 "合格".
  19. 两种意识形态比较之一:"历史证明,我能最好地代表你们" vs. "票数说明,我是你们选出来最不坏的代表";之二:"人民感谢我的领导" vs. "感谢你给我机会领导"。
  20. 制服的“神奇”在于:把某些想表达、想强调的特性整齐划一地乘法放大,消弭差异、物化量化⋯⋯自然震撼人心,或勾魂摄魄。其英文更传神: uni.form.
  21. 我们这一代的责任, 就是顶住上一代的压力, 让下一代活得比我们更好更自由.
  22. "中华人民共和国" 和 "中华民国" 的差别: People's Republic of China vs. Republic of China - 多了个 "People's". 人民的 > 人民代表的 > ZF 推荐的 > ZF 的 > D 的, 即: D 国.
  23. 当我知道得越多, 我越能理解今天世界不是他们想要的样子是有道理的 - 不是世界想 "反华", 是 "华" 想反世界.
  24. When the spotlight is on, one will be the star - are you the one who's been working hard to get on that stage in the dark?
  25. Get some solid time to learn, to think, to code... so to have a solid life before it ends. #coding
  26. 领导者的一言一行将深刻影响整个族群的特性--看看贵党贵府,便知现今为何人多漠视法律、道德沦丧、信仰缺失、权钱横行、无知愚昧、言语粗俗,当然还有乱扔垃圾、随地吐痰、勇闯红灯…
  27. Music has textures, painting has rhythms, fascinating creation of human brains.
  28. 日本,不会因为你喊她“小”,她就不是现代化强国;中国,不会因为你宣传她“大”,就真是中央之国。继续价值观混乱,以银弹外交与流氓国家为伍;继续思想僵化,以落后意识形态禁锢十三亿创造力——钱再多,走上国际的大街,也就一行人侧目的土豪。
  29. 儿时成为伟人的梦想, 若长大后现实让你觉得力有不逮, 不妨就静下心来, 把身边那一两个特别努力特别能干的人之品质行事先暗暗偷师. 有天哪个竟幸运地成为众人眼中的伟人时, 即便不沾光, 你也是离伟人最近的那个. #attitude
  30. Good idea + bad execution = bad product; bad idea + good execution = improvable product. #execution
  31. 应该继续相信在 iPhone 64G 的领导下共产主义就一定可以实现 ;-) @walkinraven @jason5ng32 一位阿姨说她的iPhone 4是64G的,后背可卸,花7000多元买的,我震惊了。我要不要告诉她真相呢?
  32. From dream to reality - an exec team without clear/firm goal but mixed interests will be risking/blurring the dream. #execution
  33. Mentor teaches the best way of thinking, while inventor inspires a whole new way of thinking.
  34. 当你抱怨一个环境无法让自己成长, 想要离开时, 曾否自问: 我努力找这个环境要过成长的机会和锻炼吗? 是不是机会其实都在那儿, 只是我一直 "懒得" 要? #attitude
  35. You should be the very first one who can vividly visualize your dream to attract followers before a great product can be built. #leadership
  36. Dare to dream, willing to do dirty jobs. 勇于梦想, 乐于苦力. #attitude
  37. 如果你的死, 将成为后人的庆典, 是不是今天起, 活着的时候, 就有点历史责任感, 与良知? 哪怕仅仅为了你的孩子着想?
  38. "Cheap" is not defined by your price, but quality.
  39. Creative minds are unique, a good manager, as organizer, can properly place them into best fit and let'em perform the most. #management
  40. Big picture can be complex and fascinating, each piece must stay simple and straight. #design
  41. 内容、功能、颜色、形状、线条、间距、字体——这么多东西,都围绕一个中心思想取舍、概括、组织好了,就是好设计。 #design
  42. All great things are made of great amount of "trivial" details.
  43. 十年后,你若比今天年长你十岁的、你认为很优秀很有影响力的前辈,更优秀更有影响力,这就是成功,这就是人类的进步。 #attitude
  44. 祝所有 #5mao 工作快乐,内心坦然,薪资不拖欠,不承担高房价高通胀,不担心老家屋子被拆,没有被城管驱赶的家人亲友,遇不公能合法合理公平高效不用上访地解决,住房不豆渣,着装无甲醛,出行走好路,饭局吃好油,宝宝喝国产好奶、好校不抢位、校舍结实抗震。祝你们及宝宝安享幸福、世世代代。
  45. 祸害这么多人、这么多年了,能不能良心一次、进步一点?
  46. As long as you are a hard working guy w/ not much bad luck, you will get most of what you want, just a matter of time & order. #attitude

Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Week With OSX Lion

Note: I will keep updating this post if any new findings. (8/4)

Been upgraded to Lion on MBP (late 2008) for about a week, here are some findings.

My favorite features are:

No. 1: Safari's two fingers double-tap

In Safari, you can use two fingers to double tap on any region of a web page to zoom in. A great usability improvement brought from iOS' mobile Safari. With this feature, you don't really need the "Reader" feature most of the time while reading articles. And as claimed by Apple, the zoomed in page is "razor sharp", beautiful.

No. 2: Mission Control

The usability bright spots are:

1. Application windows are grouped with a big icon

Prior to Lion, Expose places zoomed out windows across the screen, at that level of size - thought you might not be aware of - you actually need to "waste some energy" trying to find which zoomed out window is the one you are looking for, based on the application window's shape/toolbars surrounding the fuzzy content.

Now comes the big icon - intuitively let you spot the application without a second thought, then pick one window out of the grouped windows.

2. Creating "Desktop" on the fly

When Mission Control is activated, you can drag a window to the top right of the screen, a new "Desktop" will be created instantly for you to "dump" that window into it, so to avoid cluttering your major working desktop.

The neat thing is the multi-finger gestures to swipe between desktops:

(1) In Mission Control mode, you can use 3 (or 4) fingers to swipe through all the desktops' "thumbnails"
(2) In a normal desktop, you can also use 3 (or 4) fingers to "drag the screen" left/right - to have a sneak peek of the next desktop before switching to it - "are my stocks going up??... ah, boss is coming... (release the drag, back to work!)"

Comparing to Snow Leopard's fixed numbers of "Spaces", this "on-the-fly" desktop creation and gestures gives you a completely different sense of the virtual "space" that the OS has delivered. In Lion, you definitely feel more freedom, lightweight, intuitive and fun to work with.

No. 3: More Memory Available

I've upgraded to 8G mem recently while still using Snow Leopard, because I've got quite some memory hungry apps running (such as virtual machines).

After upgraded to Lion, I just noticed that, with the same amount of big memory occupiers running, I actually have around 1.5G of mem remaining while I got almost no free mem remaining in Snow Leopard.

Though I didn't technically verify this finding, but I do believe that bringing iOS "Back to the Mac" should not only bringing usability enhancements, but also underly/invisible-to-end-users technologies.

Once you know how to make super slim/efficient OS/applications on resource limited mobile devices, it's super natural to bring those optimizations to a more powerful device - then, you are actually delivering values to end users - same "old" hardware, but more computing resources released from the OS. (Think of each time Windows' upgrade requires more powerful hardware...)

No. 4: Super natural Text-to-Speech

I've been learning Japanese for while. Based on my English learning experience, "read extensively" is an essential part. I always think that - what if I can subscribe to some Japanese ニュース (news) feed, and read a lot of them?

Opening a Hiragana character/pronunciation mapping while reading (quietly in brain) is really a mental burden, I actually never did that until I realized Lion already integrated the Text-to-Speech technology from Nuance.

After downloaded several voice packages (China/Taiwan/Cantonese/Japan), now I'm using "Kyoko"'s voice and bind the "Option + s" key to read any selected Japanese text, in a super natural way!

There are many "Kanji" (Chinese Characters) in Japanese, with Kyoko reading them to me, I do feel that my Japanese character to pronunciation mapping is speeding up. Really useful to me.

Since I'm also a native Mandarin/Cantonese speaker, I've downloaded the other 3 voices just for fun (and showcase to friends), I must say, the Cantonese voice "Sin-Ji" is the best of them all, "her" voice sounds like the professional Hongkong TV news reporter's, smooth pace, and all the tones are just right.

There are other good things such as full screen app, but I would like to pause here and look at some of the "inconvenient"/"unexpected" things for Snow Leopard users:

  • Finder - "icon view", two fingers pinch-to-zoom is gone. In a folder with many pictures, you can no longer zoom the thumbnails. I don't know why Apple decided to remove this feature. based on the behavior I saw - some picture folders can show big thumbnails, some cannot - is Apple trying to make the "icon view" smarter but half baked?
  • System wide 3 fingers swipe left/right to go back/forward in applications is gone - made room for the desktop swiping. Though you can get it back by using 4 fingers to swipe desktops, then some 3rd party gesture tools (like JiTouch/BetterTouchTool) to bind "cmd + ["/"cmd + ]" to 3 fingers swipes
  • "Lion won't sleep when lid closed!" - yes, I initially thought my OS was in trouble when it just wouldn't sleep when I closed the lid and waited for several minutes. Actually, it's a new change in Lion, when external monitor is connected, closing the lib will simply switch the major desktop to that external screen, and only put my MBP's screen into sleep. So now you have to disconnect the external monitor physically before closing the lid to put your laptop to sleep. Or, you can click the apple menu or use keyboard shortcut instead.
  • Full screen app renders external monitor(s) "useless" - when swipe to a full screen app in your major screen, the external monitor will be displaying a gray dotted background, you can put nothing on it.
  • Update: double-tap-to-drag is gone too. In Snow Leopard, you can first tap on something (window's title bar, a file in Finder), shortly follow another tap to start dragging around. Since Lion added a "Three finger drag" gesture, this is by default disabled, you can get it back in System Preferences > Universal Access > Mouse & Trackpad > Trackpad Options > tick the Dragging without Drag Lock, it can coexist fine with three finger drag. I think this is rather an improvement than inconvenience, a friend of mine became Mac user not long ago, she came to me and asked how to drag things around with the Trackpad, when I demoed to her, she seemed couldn't get the right "feel" of the tricky second tap until she practiced quite a while. She's our company's seasoned QA, I think it wouldn't be too easy for others. This "Three finger drag" should be intuitive and much easier to master for most users out there - though it's not enabled by default. (7/31)
  • Update 2:, conversation view - (when using with Gmail) you may be curious why message you sent are not showing up in a conversation. A quick "fix" is click the "Show related message" button from the toolbar; an ultimate "fix" is in Preferences > Viewing > View conversations > (tick) Include related messages. (8/4)
  • Update 3: Bluetooth devices (trackpad, keyboard) won't auto reconnect after wake up - a temporary fix: make sure to check the option: System Preferences > Bluetooth > Advanced... > Allow Bluetooth devices to wake this computer. Now you need to be careful to shutdown your Bluetooth devices before putting them into your bag, or you Lion will wake up ;-) (8/23)
  • Update 4: the Bluetooth device auto reconnect problem has been fixed in 10.7.2, you can turn _off_ the "Allow Bluetooth devices to wake this computer" now. (10/20)

At last, a side note:

I confess that I was a pirated/shameful/shameless Snow Leopard user. Though the Chinese government has made itself super rich in the world and gained a lot of "faces", average people in this country don't make a lot of money, and the huge amount of invisible tax paying is the government's trick to suck people's hard earned money to make itself richer.

A fresh graduate's salary in IT (one of the "top paid" industries) is generally around 2,000 ~ 4,000 RMB/month ($307 ~ 615/mo) in big cities like Beijing. And that's pretax, also, some amount also has to be reserved for insurance and social benefits, etc. After paying your daily meals and apartment rent, you don't get much "freedom" left to support a piece of software that cost hundreds of $$.

As someone suggested, to fight piracy - lower the price. I think Apple made a good move in Lion, when users already bought your pricy hardwares, the OS should be (much) cheaper.

When the $29.99 (RMB 195, you can get a pair of good shoes) was announced, several Mac friends around me told me that they would "definitely" buy it, and we did.

As the well educated generations are growing, getting better paid, the overall awareness of intellectual property, and the same respect/protection they need when they start their own business ("as app developers we want others to pay, we pay other developers' apps too"), will be growing and eventually catch up with developed countries.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

推特集 (2009/12 ~ 2009/10)

  1. 风声鹤唳, 草木皆兵, 闭关锁国, 掩耳摘铃.
  2. When you lower your head and tone, your ears will hear more.
  3. It doesn't matter how much you are holding, it matters how long you can keep them and survive.
  4. Men lie because women are expecting them to - "Am I beautiful?"
  5. You won't grow if you don't know someone else has been doing way better than you.
  6. Intensive/regular (automated) testing to ensure the product is iteratively growing in the right direction. #agile
  7. Key to agile development: intensive communication to explore/clarify/embrace/adapt to "uncertainty".
  8. Investment is like hypothese, only he who casts will catch.
  9. They've modernized their income, cars, buildings... except their mind.
  1. Stock: traders suck $ from each other's future; investors suck $ from company's future; fools get sucked into no future.
  2. You can't design without deep understanding.
  3. A good design must have an unified idea to help you make all the design decisions.
  4. Design delivers message, initiates communication.
  5. A childish government keeps trying to "maintain" its citizens in childhood.
  6. Design initiates vibrations between hearts, communicates without language.
  1. Try to build something small to change the world, a little bit at a time.
  2. Labeled as the "developing country", doesn't mean that we the people couldn't/shouldn't have the "developed" mindset.
  3. When no more hopes, faith is the last thing you can keep.
  4. /accounts/EditServices - "Remove Web History permanently" completely disables Google search results click-tracking redirect URLs.
  5. Forget about sed/cut, awk fulfills my calculating need: awk '{ SUM += $7 } END { print SUM }' (sum 7th col, works with negative values)
  6. Replace multiple white spaces with single one (before piped to "cut -d"): sed -e 's/ \{1,\}/ /g'
  7. There is no good/bad customer, but customer you serve well/badly.
  8. In your quest for knowledge, while "scaling up" yourself, could u also "scale out" to the others?
  9. A simple question to "test" if a test case is over simplified: can it be rerun by another QA without further explanation from the author?
  10. It's a complicated world, u need to understand it before u can reorganize it into something sophisticated.
  11. max_execution_time IS including download time if file is served via php, e.g., set Drupal's file access to "private" and serve large files.
  12. Design: behavioral - to solve problems; visceral - to make experience enjoyable; reflective - to enhance communication.
  13. max_execution_time isn't including max_input_time. A file tks 600s max_in to upload, the script can tk 30s max_exec to do other stuff. #php
  14. When language is used, the bloody facts have been torn apart and reassembled, your mind starts being manipulated by the assembler.
  15. Babies sleep anywhere as long as they are feeling safe & secure, or simply tired (of struggling with the world).
  16. Let's focus on solving smaller/day-to-day things which will eventually change the world as they accumulate.
  17. Can you imagine how creative it's going to be if these one billion people eventually have the right to think freely?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

推特集 (2010/04 ~ 2010/01)

  1. Fears & tears, silenced & harmonized; those who got treated like animals will strike back like animals.
  2. Time is slow, pain is precise; it ticks second by second, it ticks like it never ends.
  3. 草民死去的身躯之上, 是富人挥舞慈善的旗幡; 红纸黑字, 百万千万, 衣冠赫赫, 面容有光; 这一路走得艰辛仓惶, 一躺下便垒起黄土盈尺, 供你搭台唱戏, 千秋荣光.
  4. The professionals are those who are well trained to conquer or to exploit human vulnerabilities.
  5. 股市里一定要克服的就是对 "下跌" 的恐惧; 无论涨跌, 只要交易量放大的日子, 就是充满机会的日子, 涨则挣钱, 跌则省钱 - 果断把筹码换成更便宜的.
  1. 脑残则国残, 人贱则国贱.
  2. We are like animals, born & growing into different shapes, to scare others away, to be able to run away, or to hide one's self away.
  3. We are all vulnerable creatures, looking for imaginary shells.
  4. You feel so brave in a strong team.
  5. 和国民肉体健康有关的一律不管, 和国民思想健康有关的一切都管.
  6. 墙着的时候, 是夯实地基的时候; 墙塌的时候, 是新楼破土的时候.
  7. Pain is so real & happiness is so fragile... I think this is the evil root of depression.
  8. A good tool should be able to learn and adapt to human.
  9. A plan a day, keep uncomfortable away!
  10. Enjoy your life while you still have it.
  11. Home is where you can breathe the air of memories.
  12. Love is when you die you know you have someone's hand to hold.
  13. Always respect those who have been fighting on front line.
  1. 以短跑的心态跑长跑, 不被累死也被急死 - 人生此理, 赚钱同理.
  2. It's never a bad thing to have someone say something bad about you.
  3. 不是我们天生低矮羸弱, 不是别人刻意瞧你不起; 是思想阉割, 是体制拘囿, 是他们存心设以重重障碍犯下种种错误, 不让每一个一个的人拥有独立之精神, 自由之思想, 富足之财力, 与列强诸国比肩竞争 - 这, 不是一个能诞生现代化巨人的地方.
  4. The only reason we are living for, is to prepare something for our next generation, either good or bad.
  5. We might not be able to change the world, but we can build ourselves a better home.
  6. When you start feeling too lazy to embrace changes, you are getting old.
  7. "Cheap" is determined by attitude, not price.
  1. Time is ur friend, it weakens ur opponents, turns them into dead bodies; so stay healthy, be happy, play tight, live longer w/ gr8 patience.
  2. Censorship is effectively keeping us as stupid as they are, so their intelligence won't be challenged.
  3. Mobilized & connected.
  4. He who has enough power to mess with history will be messed up by history's power.
  5. 童话国外交部: 我们全国人民都可以开博客, 上论坛, 自由地赞赏国王的新衣. 你们国外这些小屁孩的指责完全是无理取闹.
  6. 他们如此地害怕每个公民掌握充分的信息, 独立地思考, 理性地判断; 于是要有内容审查, 要有爱国主义, 要有舆论导向.
  7. Laziness is your enemy, it lulls you into simplistic conclusion, comfortable illusion.
  8. We are contained, in an imaginary atmosphere created by them.
  9. You don't have to be young to be childish.
  10. Slow down, think twice, do it right - busiest time is when proj starts, hv2 assemble pieces together b4 it can mechanically run on its own.
  11. p民就是一溜烟, 菊花 "噗" 的一声, 我们就被放跑了.
  12. - every life long small good habit helps you get a great long life! #ted #health
  13. What kind of creativity & future could be expected from all these crippled/censorship educated minds?
  14. Inspect & adapt. #agile
  15. "智商低的人才用苹果电脑,因为苹果电脑太好用了。" - 俺在 OSX 里跑 Debian, 简称 "大智若愚". #linux #mac
  16. Learn one great thing from everyone, you will be great some day.
  17. There are 3 different ways to make you feel "powerful/fearless": faith, reason, ignorance.
  18. 每个人都有自己的一些这样那样的小特点小毛病, 尊重和理解是修养.
  19. As a service provider, you are paid to take care of every small detail, so that your customer can stay focused on a big picture.
  20. 以认真换认真.
  21. When stuck, dig your way out.
  22. There are 3 kinds of people who: 1. need to be pushed; 2. self pushed; 3. push others.
  23. Your good friends: patience, double checking, "slowness", accuracy.
  24. "Developed" means black is black, white is white; "developing" means everything is gray.
  25. 养猪的待遇能比猪差?
  26. There will be wall if you don't climb.
  27. 世上本没有墙, 但爬的 "人" 多了, 也就得围一堵, 圈养着.
  28. "Fear lulls our minds to sleep, it turns us into cowards as well." - Persepolis

Youth - by Wang Feng

After the classic/older "Good Night, Beijing" from Wang Feng's old band Baojiajie, here's a newer one: Youth.

Every time I go Karaoke will sing. I like this part the most:

I've got nothing in my heart
as if I've got no pain
this world has everything
as if everyone owns something



I want to leave by the sunset
take a car and drive far
there's a friend's feast awaits

I quickly dressed and push the door open
the hot desires from the street
blow into my face
I swiftly jump into the flowing crowd

It's starting to rain outside
the raindrops are floating like all the younger ages
they covered my face
as if I'm being covered by happiness

I've got nothing in my heart
as if I've got no pain
This world has everything
as if everyone owns something

Keep moving, keep losing
in this youth I'm not yet aware of


Original lyrics

Original Version (just a static image in the video)

Live version (audio quality is not as good as the above)

Sunday, July 03, 2011

The Great Wall - by Beyond

Another June passed, 22 years. It seems like this Great Wall can lock up everything for another thousand years. History is being erased, memories are fading. That day the human body tragically failed to stand up against a pile of mechanics, has become a haunting curse. Don't you see how many nameless bodies are still being mechanically torn/crushed by a gigantic machine to date?

- Oh, no, you don't, we have the upgraded Great Firewall.

A classic Cantonese rock from Beyond, enjoy.


In the distant east, the vast frontier
there's the ancient wall
past generations' suffering
this generation's face
mountains and land are firmly bordered

surrounding a dying country
surrounding the truth
surrounding vast amount of history
surrounding (the yelling) desires and hopes

Superstitious villages, mystic central power
and battle fields of the past
the emperor's new clothes, bloody weapons
who's willing to leave his motherland and exile for life

Cover your ears
so their cries (for God) are no longer being heard
Cover your eyes
farewell to that glory wound carved upon this land

A body without crown, minds of selflessness
and the unbreakable broken wall
no one can crash it, no one can abandon it
no one can leave his motherland and exile for life


Original lyrics (Note: Traditional Chinese)

Music Video

Saturday, July 02, 2011

推特集 (2011/06)

  1. There are different types of intelligence, a perfect combination let each stay focused and perform the best. #team
  2. @ChengyiWu 呵呵, 总有些尚未与无数细节长期斗争过的小盆友喜欢嘴上把事情说简单以显示自己的 "牛", 以争取尚未得到的尊敬或 "崇拜".
  3. Do not try to hide your stupidity & "pretend" to be smart in this dead simple 0/1, True/False engineering world. #attitude
  4. Boy, learn how to maintain your relationship with valuable friends if you think your business gonna need them someday.
  5. 与傻瓜共事不可怕, 可怕的是让比傻瓜还傻的管理者, 依赖于傻瓜的能力来做判断, 下结论, 原本不傻的也傻眼儿了. #management
  6. Coding delivers the sweet feeling of creation.
  7. As a product sales, how could you possibly sell if you don't even buy in?
  8. 做有良知的工程师! 写代码, 写注释, 良心品质, 荫泽后人! 表让接手你代码的人骂街 ;-)
  9. 不怕读代码, 就怕读屎一样的代码.
  10. Dumb & lazy one dumbly repeats; smart & lazy one creatively automates. #methodology
  11. While team is doing all the dirty jobs at the frontline, being positive and encouraging is the best thing you can give. #leadership
  12. Distrust distracts, destructs. #management
  13. (正规正道的公司里) 拿稳定工资的一定不要妒忌上面看似拿 "暴利" 的, 殊不知他们为了这么多人的稳定, 天天背着多大的不稳定和高风险.
  14. A manager without proper reasoning, calm and professional emotion control will be poisoning the whole team. #leadership #management
  15. 稳定的工资收入只是财富的小头,要有梦想和勇气去追求更大头的、那些努力不一定有、不努力一定没有的回报。
  16. 猜想,是在积累了大量已知后,对可能的新知一次直觉式勇敢的跳跃-最终,也许逻辑贯通,也许死路一条,也许永世成迷,世代困扰并挑战所有最智慧的头脑。
  17. When facing trouble, you have options: A. trouble; B. trouble + negative emotion - which one do you think will be easier to solve?
  18. "这么多东西,怎样才能概括起来?"-于是有了猜想和理论。
  19. Since general people are followers, thinkers are well needed in an org to clear doubts, figure out correct mindsets, feed & inspire others.
  20. 要敬畏年轻人——你活着的时候,骗不了他们太久;你死后很久,还是他们,写你的历史。
  21. 文革中能存活至今,甚至仕途丰顺的,大约都是根正苗红、见风使舵、善演能唱、风骨无存、良知泯灭、心狠手辣的一群吧?
  22. 现今为何多见本素不相识者为星点鸡毛小事即谩骂开打? 盖因大环境自思想意识上层建筑始, 至最底层之种种执行细节, 无不释放着此等信号: 法理无望, 压服至上.
  23. 功夫熊猫算文化入侵,那天朝传说中的四大发明,算不算把世界入侵到现在?
  24. 忽悠点儿圈养着的就好啦,还非得拉出去丢脸。
  25. 没有和平合法抗议的途径,没有抗议后和平解决的实例;人人缺乏自由表达诉求的手段、民主解决问题的训练;人人心里都有一点火,被高压和恐惧、而非法律和理性所囚禁⋯⋯一旦火出牢笼,遍野连天,你能期待它烧得有礼有节、和平和谐吗?
  26. 不必着急创业, 先耐心练好技能/心态/气度/眼界, 积累人脉资源, 时机成熟, 自然水到渠成.
  27. Many talk about big words like "culture", like "process"; few realize how many execution level details underneath.
  28. Stay with top people, so you can be as excellent like them someday.
  29. 政府管,集体管,单位管…个人啥也不让管,自然就啥也不管。失去了个人的 ownership,政府、集体、单位一切管不着的地方,必然零落荒芜鼠蝇孳生。
  30. 思想、艺术,天生就是探索边界、以先行者姿态启发、引领大众,最终沉淀出独具特色的族群文化。强权视异己为敌,革文化之命,囚思想艺术以铁幕樊篱,明规则、潜规则、不过领导一次喜怒一下抽搐,动不动就违法违规煽动颠覆,探索精神何来,创新勇气何在?除了不择手段地快速钱多,人将一如既往地傻。
  31. Future's ahead, time's limited, actions must be taken.
  32. Why listen to the olds? Coz you can get their years long experience for free in minutes at your cost.
  33. Why stay w/ good ppl? Coz u r more likely to build the right mindsets, get the right knowledges.
  34. Good news, bad news, if it passed, leave it as is; if it's yet to come, let it come, let it pass.
  35. Today, we can't cry but whisper, can't raise arms but hold fists, can't tear down the wall but keep scratching - for our kids will be freed.
  36. 今天,我们无法大声哭泣,但可以默默颔首;无法挥动手臂,但可以紧握拳头;无法推翻高墙,但可以多刮缺口…不久的今天,我们的宝宝将有别样的自由。
  37. You should be the directional force that gently guides other talents to fully explore their intelligence and fill the voids.
  38. If you look at present from that end, you see calm and certainty.
  39. Curiosity, smoothness, passion, sadness... sound can effectively manipulate the brain, that's why sophisticated music is so charming.
  40. There's an end awaits, let's do something memorable before that.
  41. 成功的人只多了一点点的耐心去面对 "啊! 又失败啦!".