Saturday, July 02, 2011

推特集 (2011/06)

  1. There are different types of intelligence, a perfect combination let each stay focused and perform the best. #team
  2. @ChengyiWu 呵呵, 总有些尚未与无数细节长期斗争过的小盆友喜欢嘴上把事情说简单以显示自己的 "牛", 以争取尚未得到的尊敬或 "崇拜".
  3. Do not try to hide your stupidity & "pretend" to be smart in this dead simple 0/1, True/False engineering world. #attitude
  4. Boy, learn how to maintain your relationship with valuable friends if you think your business gonna need them someday.
  5. 与傻瓜共事不可怕, 可怕的是让比傻瓜还傻的管理者, 依赖于傻瓜的能力来做判断, 下结论, 原本不傻的也傻眼儿了. #management
  6. Coding delivers the sweet feeling of creation.
  7. As a product sales, how could you possibly sell if you don't even buy in?
  8. 做有良知的工程师! 写代码, 写注释, 良心品质, 荫泽后人! 表让接手你代码的人骂街 ;-)
  9. 不怕读代码, 就怕读屎一样的代码.
  10. Dumb & lazy one dumbly repeats; smart & lazy one creatively automates. #methodology
  11. While team is doing all the dirty jobs at the frontline, being positive and encouraging is the best thing you can give. #leadership
  12. Distrust distracts, destructs. #management
  13. (正规正道的公司里) 拿稳定工资的一定不要妒忌上面看似拿 "暴利" 的, 殊不知他们为了这么多人的稳定, 天天背着多大的不稳定和高风险.
  14. A manager without proper reasoning, calm and professional emotion control will be poisoning the whole team. #leadership #management
  15. 稳定的工资收入只是财富的小头,要有梦想和勇气去追求更大头的、那些努力不一定有、不努力一定没有的回报。
  16. 猜想,是在积累了大量已知后,对可能的新知一次直觉式勇敢的跳跃-最终,也许逻辑贯通,也许死路一条,也许永世成迷,世代困扰并挑战所有最智慧的头脑。
  17. When facing trouble, you have options: A. trouble; B. trouble + negative emotion - which one do you think will be easier to solve?
  18. "这么多东西,怎样才能概括起来?"-于是有了猜想和理论。
  19. Since general people are followers, thinkers are well needed in an org to clear doubts, figure out correct mindsets, feed & inspire others.
  20. 要敬畏年轻人——你活着的时候,骗不了他们太久;你死后很久,还是他们,写你的历史。
  21. 文革中能存活至今,甚至仕途丰顺的,大约都是根正苗红、见风使舵、善演能唱、风骨无存、良知泯灭、心狠手辣的一群吧?
  22. 现今为何多见本素不相识者为星点鸡毛小事即谩骂开打? 盖因大环境自思想意识上层建筑始, 至最底层之种种执行细节, 无不释放着此等信号: 法理无望, 压服至上.
  23. 功夫熊猫算文化入侵,那天朝传说中的四大发明,算不算把世界入侵到现在?
  24. 忽悠点儿圈养着的就好啦,还非得拉出去丢脸。
  25. 没有和平合法抗议的途径,没有抗议后和平解决的实例;人人缺乏自由表达诉求的手段、民主解决问题的训练;人人心里都有一点火,被高压和恐惧、而非法律和理性所囚禁⋯⋯一旦火出牢笼,遍野连天,你能期待它烧得有礼有节、和平和谐吗?
  26. 不必着急创业, 先耐心练好技能/心态/气度/眼界, 积累人脉资源, 时机成熟, 自然水到渠成.
  27. Many talk about big words like "culture", like "process"; few realize how many execution level details underneath.
  28. Stay with top people, so you can be as excellent like them someday.
  29. 政府管,集体管,单位管…个人啥也不让管,自然就啥也不管。失去了个人的 ownership,政府、集体、单位一切管不着的地方,必然零落荒芜鼠蝇孳生。
  30. 思想、艺术,天生就是探索边界、以先行者姿态启发、引领大众,最终沉淀出独具特色的族群文化。强权视异己为敌,革文化之命,囚思想艺术以铁幕樊篱,明规则、潜规则、不过领导一次喜怒一下抽搐,动不动就违法违规煽动颠覆,探索精神何来,创新勇气何在?除了不择手段地快速钱多,人将一如既往地傻。
  31. Future's ahead, time's limited, actions must be taken.
  32. Why listen to the olds? Coz you can get their years long experience for free in minutes at your cost.
  33. Why stay w/ good ppl? Coz u r more likely to build the right mindsets, get the right knowledges.
  34. Good news, bad news, if it passed, leave it as is; if it's yet to come, let it come, let it pass.
  35. Today, we can't cry but whisper, can't raise arms but hold fists, can't tear down the wall but keep scratching - for our kids will be freed.
  36. 今天,我们无法大声哭泣,但可以默默颔首;无法挥动手臂,但可以紧握拳头;无法推翻高墙,但可以多刮缺口…不久的今天,我们的宝宝将有别样的自由。
  37. You should be the directional force that gently guides other talents to fully explore their intelligence and fill the voids.
  38. If you look at present from that end, you see calm and certainty.
  39. Curiosity, smoothness, passion, sadness... sound can effectively manipulate the brain, that's why sophisticated music is so charming.
  40. There's an end awaits, let's do something memorable before that.
  41. 成功的人只多了一点点的耐心去面对 "啊! 又失败啦!".

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