- 活在兲朝是一場豪賭, 賭自己能躲過幾次被 "傷亡人數" 統計.
- Spending money is painfully... happy -,-
- Communism has been alienating people, destroying culture, killing lives, preventing modernization... When will it come to an end?
- 把被子曬滿陽光的味道~
- 环㞗屎泡 (pao1).
- "台灣自古以來就是中國不可分割的一部分"--那為何台灣人民可以看的,大陸人民不可以?台灣人民可以聽的,大陸人民不可以?台灣人民可以說的,大陸人民不可以?台灣人民可以做的,大陸人民不可以?誰在分割我們?
- How could you possibility "fix/improve/refactor/rebuild" something without clearly understanding the (existing) problems first? #methodology
- When history is told the short way, it can be fast pace, fun & entertaining; but in its day to day formation, it's slow, sweaty & boring.
- We will all end up with a name either worth mentioning or not.
- 良民無說話權, 疑犯無沉默權, 啊, 兲朝.
- 我們賦予你權力,不是讓你因此比普通的我們特別,而是讓你因此比我們特別地普通。
- 放不下, 離不開, 長不大, 得不到, 變不好.
- 能不能認真聽取/理解狀況後再決定球是不是自己的, 該不該踢走?
- You've got to express yourself, let your energy explode one way or another. #art #life
- 愛情有風險, 婚姻需謹慎.
- Gain your reputation & influence, so one day you can be used as role to speak out public opinions, or push things forward.
- 生命就是拿來燒的, 不燒也得燒, 一天短一截.
- @wxiluo take ownership, work for yourself, make every job a solid milestone in your lifelong career path ;)
- 不怕不要脸的,只怕不要命的--更怕有命的以手中权力替其他要命的做下不要命的选择。
- 幸好当年韩国没被朝鲜统一,幸好当年香港台湾没被兲朝解放,爱国小青年们今天才能在 CCAV 的死人面孔下、有韩流港剧台星可追!
- Something is gone, something needs to be filled up. The night is too quiet to get rid of all these crowded noises in an empty mind.
- Just find out it's quite entertaining to keep dragging a direction on the map's satellite view. How big the world is, yet how small...
- 放不下过去,得不到未来。
There's an end awaits, let's do something memorable before that.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
推特集 (2011/09)
推特集 (2011/08)
- AirDrop is such a handy replacement for $ python -m SimpleHTTPServer... #lion #osx
- 一直好奇 #5mao 们在有生之年更愿意为革命奔赴朝鲜,还是攒够钱逃亡美帝?
- 回家最開心就是卸下偽裝, 換上一條大褲衩!
- 你愛得天花亂墜, 抑或鉅細靡遺?
- I'm willing to do any kind of "dirty jobs", only for excellent ppl, excellent team. Same in life.
- Easy money is easy for others too, so it might not be that easy at all.
- 就像筛简历看到 @qq.com RT @Fatal1tyV: +2 RT @oppih28: +1 RT @levin108: 每次搜技术文章,看到百度空间的就感觉靠不住,这是我的个人偏见吧。。。
- 在推上说金家王朝坏话不知会否被跨国追捕??
- 今天的韩国好不好?日本战败后美国占领的;今天的朝鲜好不好?日本战败后苏联占领的。谁是兲朝的老朋友?当然是朝鲜小弟啦,物以类聚嘛。
- 當所有英雄都所見略同、心有靈犀、能說出彼此“心裡想說的話”時,就成了傳說中的:英雄團隊。
- 耄说:"敌人反对的,我们坚决拥护"。所以,国际反卡扎菲,兲朝拥护;国际反金家王朝,兲朝拥护。思路一以贯之。
- 看電視的兩大快樂:1、跳台──一天到晚精神集中,這會可以天馬行空;2、被主宰──放什麼就看什麼,愛看不看;朝九晚五主宰世界,這會可以放松挨宰。 #生活 #娛樂
- 人有所图,我图个甚?也就工作时剩点忘情的快乐。
- 別氣餒,不放棄──我們站起來、倒下去,他們會看到身後更多醒過來、挺立著、沉靜堅毅的力量。
- 不理解/認可“普世價值”的國人,永遠無法理解港人、老外為何那麼愛管兲朝的“閒事”。
- The future might be unclear, but we can take concrete steps, enjoy the fun of exploring, build the confidence & courage to face "failures".
- “愉悅”亦有“簡單”及“高分 (high resolution)”之別:嘗了份香甜的水果,是簡單直接的 visceral 層面的愉悅;欣賞了場雅致的音樂,是精細復雜的思想修養層面的愉悅。#藝術
- 尚无子,已成父。
- 政府政府,镇住刁民,努力贪腐。
- 政權不必推翻, 趕回籠子裡就行.
- 语文学好了就是好! 想表达点什么, 满脑子候选词句, 总有出彩组合; 仿佛编程高手, 总能写出最佳代码, 最优算法 ;-) #语文 #编程
- 兲朝每年数万起 (?) 群体性事件, 如果把这些都转化成民众合法的游行, 政府改进的机会 - 一年数万次的 "训练" 和优化, 民众会成熟得多快? 政府会演变得多好!
- Enjoy every ticking second of life, coz it's gone when it's gone...
- @wxiluo 给用户用的东西怎能不花大量心思在界面和交互上!恶俗点:谁会花钱买"关了灯都一样"的服务?
- Depends on complexity & parties involved, things usually won't change immediately w/ initial pushes. Keep pushing patiently till success.
- Go for your dream, just do it, before you are big enough/capable and too hesitate to make "scalable" mistakes. #attitude
- Use math to organize design elements, it forms patterns, assists/enhances/speeds up brain recognition/understanding. #design
- All R requirements: from epics 2 debugging, from sales 2 deployment... they R one single business idea reflected at different resolution.
- 看发行量超过一亿本的海贼王长大的日本人,不会太坏;看 CCAV 粗制滥造的 3D 雷锋长大的中国人,不会太好。
- 各部门要努力抓好有钱一起负责收,出事一起负责闪的方针政策。
- 有人觉得,今天我贪污腐败坑蒙拐骗偷工减料中饱私囊,别人安不安全,过几年出不出事,都没我毛事。殊不知,在这机器里,你也只是有共同想法的另外一些别人眼中的别人,当我们、我们的孩子一起路过大楼坐进高铁开上桥梁,哪怕你曾贵为九五之尊,这一刻,我们都是无比平等的,别人。
- "老湿,咱射秽竹椅还有希望吗?" "废话!" "那为哈子童鞋们都争先恐后滴去美帝涅?" "叭咖!--因为他们都争先恐后地要完成肩负的沥屎屎命:演变美帝,射秽竹椅!"
- 简历 screening: 邮箱是 gmail.com - 加分; 其他.com - 减分. 道理? 你懂的. #招聘
- 淫民带婊, 裆国鹰豺.
- Code, run unit tests, verify 100% coverage, check in, sleep tight. #dev
- Believe in your new members, no matter at what level they currently are, so to encourage & guide their potentials to explode. #leadership
- 你们今天的愚昧、冷酷、残暴,将成为历史的丑剧,在我们孩子的舞台上,被一遍遍嘲弄。
- People have mouths, speak opinions. As long as your idea has no critical flaws to your knowledge, stick to it, coz you are the one doing it.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Parallels Desktop 7 "曲线转正" - 2011/10/31 日前有效
Update: 2013/5/21 ¥119 成功升级 PD8。
一直有在用 Parallels Desktop, 当时为了 Win7 下每 2 ~ 3 个月用一次招行网银, 觉得不值得去买个正版. 后来需要用 VM 跑 Debian 开发了, 几乎天天用到, 看着 PD7 出炉, 就决定支持下正版了.
网上找到对岸的这篇帖子, 教你如何以 8/1 ~ 10/31 日间买的 PD6 简体中文版 (RMB 188) 上官方免费升级到 PD7 英文版:
经本人验证, 已成功, 简单而言:
1. 2011/10/31 前上苹果中国的店, 花 188 买 PD6
2. 拿到包装里的 Key 后, 无需装 PD6, 2011/11/15 前到这里申请 PD7:
(1) "您在何处购买 Parallels Desktop 6 for Mac*" - 选 "其他商店"
(2) "Parallels Desktop 7 for Mac 本地语言版本" - 选你想要的语言版本 (我是英文系统, 自动选上英文了)
(3) 等 6 ~ 8 天能应能拿到 PD7 的 Key
(由于我先在这里提交过请求: http://www.parallels.com/keyfor7/request/, 等了 7 天, 没回应, 再去上面的中文页面提交, 隔天拿到, 所以无法确认是哪次提交生效了…)
我拿到的英文版的 Key 可以直接激活原来的英文版 (非正版 Key).
这样曲线一下, 比直接购买 199 的 PD7 简体中文版也还是便宜了.
另外, 如果你机器里原来就有非正版 Key 的 PD7 注册过, 务必:
(1) uninstall - *无需* uninstall "Application Settings", 默认卸载即可
(2) 删掉 /Library/Preferences/Parallels/licenses.xml
(3) 清掉 /etc/hosts 里的 *.parallels.com 的 "拦截项" (你懂的, 嘿嘿)
(4) 重新安装 PD7, 激活. 最新的 7.0.14924 会要求输入 PD6 的 Key, 必须卸载过, 这一步才能顺利通过 (找官方 support 要的步骤, 当然, 只是告诉对方这一步过不去, 然后他们就给了这办法…)
以简体中文版申请的英文版, 明年升级是否为 RMB 99, 还是从此是米国价 $49.99?
反正 Register 产品的时候我留的都是中国, 来年验证吧.
对 Parallels 自己来说, 区域差别定价是他们的销售策略; 软件层面, 发哪个版本, 都是 0 代价, 英文版算起来还应该成本更小呢, 毕竟不必请翻译团队, 不是?
一直有在用 Parallels Desktop, 当时为了 Win7 下每 2 ~ 3 个月用一次招行网银, 觉得不值得去买个正版. 后来需要用 VM 跑 Debian 开发了, 几乎天天用到, 看着 PD7 出炉, 就决定支持下正版了.
网上找到对岸的这篇帖子, 教你如何以 8/1 ~ 10/31 日间买的 PD6 简体中文版 (RMB 188) 上官方免费升级到 PD7 英文版:
经本人验证, 已成功, 简单而言:
1. 2011/10/31 前上苹果中国的店, 花 188 买 PD6
2. 拿到包装里的 Key 后, 无需装 PD6, 2011/11/15 前到这里申请 PD7:
(1) "您在何处购买 Parallels Desktop 6 for Mac*" - 选 "其他商店"
(2) "Parallels Desktop 7 for Mac 本地语言版本" - 选你想要的语言版本 (我是英文系统, 自动选上英文了)
(3) 等 6 ~ 8 天能应能拿到 PD7 的 Key
(由于我先在这里提交过请求: http://www.parallels.com/keyfor7/request/, 等了 7 天, 没回应, 再去上面的中文页面提交, 隔天拿到, 所以无法确认是哪次提交生效了…)
我拿到的英文版的 Key 可以直接激活原来的英文版 (非正版 Key).
这样曲线一下, 比直接购买 199 的 PD7 简体中文版也还是便宜了.
另外, 如果你机器里原来就有非正版 Key 的 PD7 注册过, 务必:
(1) uninstall - *无需* uninstall "Application Settings", 默认卸载即可
(2) 删掉 /Library/Preferences/Parallels/licenses.xml
(3) 清掉 /etc/hosts 里的 *.parallels.com 的 "拦截项" (你懂的, 嘿嘿)
(4) 重新安装 PD7, 激活. 最新的 7.0.14924 会要求输入 PD6 的 Key, 必须卸载过, 这一步才能顺利通过 (找官方 support 要的步骤, 当然, 只是告诉对方这一步过不去, 然后他们就给了这办法…)
以简体中文版申请的英文版, 明年升级是否为 RMB 99, 还是从此是米国价 $49.99?
反正 Register 产品的时候我留的都是中国, 来年验证吧.
对 Parallels 自己来说, 区域差别定价是他们的销售策略; 软件层面, 发哪个版本, 都是 0 代价, 英文版算起来还应该成本更小呢, 毕竟不必请翻译团队, 不是?
Monday, October 17, 2011
From last post to this, Steve Jobs is gone
As we are still young and healthy, we are always so confident that we will be able to live through tomorrow, the endless tomorrow, full of hopes and dreams.
We keep wandering, playing, doing stupid things, avoiding a single thought of the fact that there's a timer has already been set the day we born.
A second ticks away, it ticked away, inresisible, irreversible.
We are in a progress of permanent lost of the most precious thing we can own: life.
When first time i heard mom called herself "old", I was shocked;
When dad told me he is seeing few small spots through his eyes, I learned it's a "common case" of "natural growing old process";
Terrifying scientific language.
Better do something ASAP, before it's too late, so you can let go peacefully, and take a long rest, when the moment comes.
We keep wandering, playing, doing stupid things, avoiding a single thought of the fact that there's a timer has already been set the day we born.
A second ticks away, it ticked away, inresisible, irreversible.
We are in a progress of permanent lost of the most precious thing we can own: life.
When first time i heard mom called herself "old", I was shocked;
When dad told me he is seeing few small spots through his eyes, I learned it's a "common case" of "natural growing old process";
Terrifying scientific language.
Better do something ASAP, before it's too late, so you can let go peacefully, and take a long rest, when the moment comes.
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